About the CCA - Cohasset Community Association

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About the CCA

About the Cohasset Community Association

The CCA promotes the well-being of all of the Cohasset residents through educational programs, lectures, safety preparedness awareness, outreach programs and social events.  The association building is available for private social use by members of the Association for a nominal donation.  Current uses of the Community Association Building include:  

Community Service:
Free access to WiFi Internet
CCA Board and General Meetings
CCA Emergency Preparedness Committee
Butte County Commodities Distribution
Cohasset Road Cleanup -- Official "CCA Adopt-A-Road"
Cohasset 4-H Meetings and Events
Quarterly Community Newsletter

CCA Fundaisers:
Annual Bazaar
Monthly Bingo

Community Events:
Chilli Cook-off
Mountain Music
Plant sale
Children’s Play Group
Halloween Carnival
Brew Club
Tai Chi

Cohasset Community Association

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